Groundbreaking Exhibit at Missouri History Museum
Dear Community,
Join us beginning June 8, 2024 as we mark a monumental step forward in our journey to preserve and promote the legacies of our St. Louis' LGBTQIA+ ancestors - the grand opening of the Gateway to Pride exhibit at the Missouri History Museum.
In 2007 I began this work in earnest alongside community volunteers and partners such as the Missouri Historical Society!
This first of its kind exhibition in Missouri features 6,000 square feet of gallery space filled with artifacts, photographs, videos, and oral histories - never before seen or heard.
It's imperative we take time to appreciate how important this moment is. No one exhibit can make up for so much lost time! Most of our local queer history has been ignored, forgotten, and hidden in the shadows.
However, this groundbreaking experience will dramatically accelerate our region's understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Over the next 13 months please plan to visit the museum often. Bring friends, family members, neighbors, work colleagues, and allies.
Be prepared to learn, laugh, cry, and reflect.
To the LGBTQIA+ community, please come to embrace and empathize with one another. In these turbulent times solidarity is greatly needed.
To the general community, please come with an open mind and heart to better appreciate the struggles the LGBTQIA+ community has faced - and sadly still encounters.
I want to personally express my gratitude and sincere appreciation for everyone that has helped make this exhibition a reality.
From the professional staff of experts at the museum to the many dedicated community volunteers - BRAVO!
History once lost, has been found!
Steven Louis Brawley, Founder, St. Louis LGBT History Project