Donation Documents Transgender Health Care in St. Louis


By Ian Darnell

July 3, 2016: The St. Louis LGBT History Project thanks Cameron Kinker for donating a copy of his undergraduate senior thesis. Kinler’s thesis is titled “Contextualizing Transgender Health Care: Meanings, Experiences, and Future Hopes of Trans Adults in the St. Louis, MO Region.” The thesis was based on interviews with fifteen transgender individuals and includes transcripts of these interviews. Kinker’s work offers an informative snapshot of what it is like to be trans in St. Louis today, and it is likely to become a valuable historical document in the years to come.

Kinker was a student in the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Washington University. He gradudated in May 2016.

Do you have documents, objects, or photographs that help tell the story of the transgender community in the St. Louis region? Please consider sharing them with the St. Louis LGBT History Project.